Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Playin' at Grandma's

For Mother's Day this year my husband's dad decided a work party to plant flowers and weed the flower beds would be a great gift for his wife. Afterwards we would all hang out and enjoy food together. Not a bad plan because as an added bonus I got to stay home for Mother's Day.

I sat down by the side of the yard and weeded a little section while Jared, his dad and brother Brian worked in the main bed. Benjamin had fun running around. Once I weeded my little section I felt I had done enough...I was after all 35 weeks pregnant. Also Benjamin had started climbing down the steep hillside into the yard and I wasn't comfortable with it nor did I have the energy to keep chasing him. So we went inside and got some juice and had a snack.
I let Benjamin run around for a bit outside again because let's face it the weather was nice and he loves to be outdoors. But after awhile I was exhausted and Jared was busy doing the yard work so we retreated back inside shortly after his cousin's Connor and Corey showed up.

Connor and Corey had some fun with water balloons that Grandma had made up.

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