I had harvested a ton of items from my garden due to the coming freezing weather but I didn't know what to make or do with everything. My friend Heather suggested that we pickle the peppers. I wasn't sure what I would do with pickled peppers but I was game. We had fun hanging out together and letting our kids play.
I learned a valuable lesson that day...DON'T breath in the smell of the brine for pickling things. It BURNS!!! I obviously didn't learn my lesson fast enough because I inhaled it more than once. When Heather's husband Kenny joined us after work he walked in and stated, "It stinks in here." We were not surprised.
We had some dinner from the crock pot (I am trying to integrate using my crock pot more as it really makes the evening smoother) and relaxed as we finished canning. After dinner Kenny sat down and played my piano a little bit and his son Wyatt joined him.
While we were just hanging out Gwendolyn went to sit on her daddy's lap and we all got a good laugh. Kenny ran his fingers through Gwen's hair which had been in a high ponytail and fluffed her curly hair nicely. It was hilarious.
It was a wonderful afternoon of hanging out with good friends. And I must admit canning peppers will be on my list of things to do after this year. We've already used them in chili's and other dishes. And the aroma has changed so much that it has a sweet pleasant smell now. Thank you Heather for the great suggestion and helping me get something done!

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