Not even 5 minutes after walking into his parents house did his Dad have the present opened and on his way to playing with it. He got a new RC car (more like monster truck) for his new hobby (more to come on this new hobby). Jared's Dad had a hope that this was what he was getting for Father's day.
Heather, Brooks & Brooks Jr. had arrived Saturday morning for the 1st half and Saturday night late for the 2nd half. It was great to have them home. I got to take lots of pictures of Brooks Jr. The first few I took he didn't seem to care for the flash but I said you
will get used to it. :)
Connor (one of my many nephews) has taken to acting like a scary dinosaur. He has gotten really good at sticking his lower teeth out.
Corey (Connor's baby brother) is so darn stinkin' cute. I love his vest outfit. It is rare to get a picture of him without a bottle in his mouth these days.
At dinner Connor deman
ded that I take his picture. I took a few and then said ok all done. And he did not agree. He said take my picture! Take my picture! So I kept taking his picture. Here is just one of them but I did take a lot as he demanded. 
Later Corey decided he was going to clean the kitchen floors. He is starting young but what a good habit to have.
While the boys were working on the new car and getting it ready to drive Connor and Corey decided to go back and
forth via the doggy door.
Good Shots Emily! I especially like the one of Heather and Baby Brooks. You may be able to add photography to your long list of talents!! Sounds like you guys had a great day!