Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I reviewed my New Year resolutions for 2011 this morning and found I had accomplished one. It was my spiritual one of coming to understand the scriptures better by studying the Book of Mormon with a study guide. Check! I did accomplish that one a few months ago! I had forgotten it was even a goal for that.
One of my other goals was to finish two quilts I have in the works. No check! But I did finish a smaller quilt last night so I say 'partial credit'.
I am trying to decide what my goals for this year are going to be. Once I figure it out I will be posting them somewhere in my house that I can see them often. I think that is one of the biggest issues with failing goals the other part is setting lofty unattainable goals. I actually read to Jared out of my journal from last year the need to post my goals as I would otherwise not accomplish them. He remarked how very prophetic of me.

1 comment:

  1. Love this, Emily. I reviewed as well what I had accomplished this last year, and I felt satisfied, and I am so excited about my goals this year. Thanks for sharing and also for that article you posted about goals. I miss you and love you. Thanks for all you did for Camylle and me in your love and service to us.

    I hope things go well with your new goals.

