Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Following Promptings

Jared went this morning to take care of our friends dogs. After he left their place he followed a prompting to pull over and look for my key to our car that I had lost back in August (for the original post see here). Jared didn't even look for the key for a minute and found it. He came home and told me about it and how he had felt back in August that it was in this section of tall grass. Now since it is winter the grass has died and fallen down and he was able to find it.

Count your blessings! We had bought another key to replace it but to have it actually work on our car was going to cost about $300 dollars so we were just sharing Jared's key. I'm so grateful for that blessing right now! I am also grateful that Jared followed that prompting.

The part missing for a little over 5 months!

The whole key again!

1 comment:

  1. So amazing how the Lord knows us and loves us enough to say "Look for your key here" five months after the loss. We just have to listen and obey and we will be so greatly blessed!!!
