Monday, April 2, 2012

28 Weeks

Here I am at exactly 28 weeks. We took this on 3/23/2012. I am starting to feel very pregnant. My body is doing okay with the pregnancy. I'm grateful the morning sickness phase passed quickly.
Our little girl is very active and kicks a lot. I'm learning a lot about how after the first pregnancy you notice more things like kicks earlier and contractions. The contractions are good thing but I do have to take a break and rest. Yesterday Jared commented to me that I always over do it. I can't help it! There's a lot to do. I just try to drink my water and stay hydrated and then pay attention to when the contractions start and take a break.
Benjamin likes to play with my belly sometimes. I am trying to explain to him that his sister is in my belly. When this little girl comes it will be a whole new world for Benjamin and our family. We are so excited!! June 15th is right around the corner. I must say I time these babies pretty well. Summer babies mean summer time at home.

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