Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My First Outing

On Monday I had a plan to go to the store. I had a decent list of items mostly groceries that I wanted to get. I was a little apprehensive about going out because on my last outing with Jared I realized I didn't know how I would go to the bathroom while shopping by myself. I started to panic thinking I could never go out on my own. So of course I had to face my fear and deal with it head on. I got everything ready to go and when Benjamin was ready we went out. We timed it pretty good because he slept the whole time we were gone and for awhile when we got home.

Now the car seat we have is an incredibly safe one but it does not fit in shopping carts like most models do. So we have to place it down in the shopping cart which as you can imagine takes up quite a bit of room. I carefully stacked all my items around Benjamin's car seat and filled up the cart. The last item on my list or really the main reason for going shopping was bins. I needed 3 large bins to store clothes in for Benjamin. We've been amazingly blessed with a ton of clothes so many I really don't have room. I decided and discussed it with Jared and he agreed that bins labeled and kept in the closet would work. We would be able to rotate easily through his clothes and hopefully not miss out on anything.

So there I was with a full cart and needing 3 large bins. They wouldn't fit on the bottom (I was wishing for a Costco cart at the moment) so I put the lids on the bottom and pushed my full cart with one hand and carried 3 large bins to the front of the store. While maneuvering down one aisle a lady smiled and stood on the side. I self consciously commented, "Overdid it." She replied, "Multi talented woman." It made me feel a little better. I picked a line and unloaded my cart. Now I started thinking hmm how in the world are they going to put the groceries back in the cart. In bags it won't fit. I decided to take Benjamin out but the bins in and load the bins up with the bagged groceries and carry Benjamin out on my arm and push the cart with one arm again.

It was a successful trip. A short one so the bathroom wasn't an issue but I know I can handle going out on my own now. But man I do love my security blanket of Jared though.

1 comment:

  1. what a well told story. i can see this happening. way to go. you are definately a multi-talented woman. i love you. i can hardly wait to meet benjamin.
