Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gospel Topic Tuesday: Here Am I, Send Me

Our Sunday school lesson was in the book of Isaiah. There was one verse that stood out to me. Isaiah chapter 6 verse 8, "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me." There was a comment made but I can't recall completely what was said. But what I took away was here was someone being like the Savior. Being willing to go forth and do God's will.

This scripture is about how God needed someone to go and prophesy and Isaiah said he was willing. There is another verse in the scriptures very similar to this. One where a council is being held and a decision made. It's found in Abraham chapter 3 verse 27, "And the Lord said: Whom shall I send? And one answered like unto the Son of Man: Here am I, Send me. And another answered and said: Here am I, send me. And the Lord said: I will send the first." This was Jesus Christ and Lucifer talking. Lucifer wanted to be the one to go down and make sure none of us strayed from the path and wanted all the glory to himself. Jesus Christ was willing to go down and give up His life and follow the plan that Heavenly Father had laid out. And He said the glory would be God's. He wanted to do all His Father asked of him.

Here am I, send me. Such a simple yet profound remark. I find it moving I guess because I am not always so willing to do the Lords work. I need to be better at responding "Here am I, send me." I know that I was put here on this earth for a divine reason. I have missions to carry out that no one else can do if I am willing to do them. I need to be better at responding to the Lord's call "Whom shall I send?" and do it with a glad heart.

I know that when we serve with a happy heart, faith and trust in the Lord we will be blessed. And we will be able to accomplish more with his help then if we were to try to go it on our own.

1 comment:

  1. So very true! And Heavenly Father is always patient with us as we try to do it by ourselves but we get so much more done so much faster when we recognize I need of his help. It is like he says go ahead dear. Knock yourself out. See you when you tire yourself out.

    The most valuable lesson I have learned is my nothingness and my need for complete reliance on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. By myself I am really powerless but with Him I can do anything!
