Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gospel Topic Tuesday: Faith & Trials...Gifts

I haven't done a gospel topic Tuesday posting in forever. I keep thinking oh I will start that next week and then next week comes and goes. I was just about to let another week pass when I decided I just needed to sit down and take 5 minutes and write.
I was reading yesterday in "True to the Faith" about faith for a personal progress experience I am working on. I found a passage that stuck out to me. "Faith is a gift from God, but you must nurture your faith to keep it strong." There's a few reasons I liked this passage. One is because it says faith is a gift. It is given to us. It's a heavenly quality. I found that personally comforting. Two is because we have to nurture our faith to keep it strong. Which means we have to use it. As I was thinking about this I was thinking about trials and how if we step back and think about it our trials are opportunities to strengthen our faith. We are given the chance to use the faith we have and strengthen our testimony and come closer to God. It was kind of like an "ah ha" moment for me. Not only does God give us our faith but then He gives us opportunities to use it and develop it.
I'm thankful for my testimony of the gospel. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church. Though the trials are sometimes hard I am grateful I have them to help strengthen me and develop me into the person Heavenly Father wants me to be.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Emily! You are spot on! Good job honey! I am so very proud of you!!!
