Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sick and disturbed

And my addiction for anything Twilight carries on. Meredith I think you asked about addictions awhile back...Twilight is by far my biggest addiction I think. I got put on an email string for a newsletter this woman does on Twilight news from Jared's Aunt Valerie! THANK YOU! I should feel bad about admitting this and sick and disturbed yet here I am telling everyone who reads this my addiction.
I've been reading for the past few days online the 5th book that Stephenie Meyer was writing before it got leaked. It's Twilight from Edwards perspective which is actually very interesting and intriguing to me. It's called MidNight Sun. You can find it here
I'm trying to be good and not read it all the time. Saturday I would reward myself after cleaning something. And today I didn't let myself read until after I had finished working on things for young women's.
I watched Twilight again yesterday but with the commentary which made me late to my Aunt's because I got lazy and didn't want to get up. It was funny listening to them commentary. They pointed out things I had not noticed which was fun.
Anyways back to my addiction I am just about done less than 20 pages. But of course it's only a partial draft :( so I know I will unsatisfied.

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