Once we got the couches we decided to clean them and clean the carpets. I had wanted to clean the carpets for months. It always seems like such a simple task but I spent most of last week cleaning my house and moving furniture just to prepare the areas to get the carpets cleaned. There were days that I would look around after hours were spent cleaning and go it doesn't look like anything has been done in my house.
Friday came and Jared and I got up and moved the furniture out of our room and out of the living room. We had completed the nursery, Benjamin's room and the hallway the day before. Now it was time for the rest of the upstairs. Benjamin enjoyed the house being empty to some degree but it also seemed he was a little confused about what was going on...especially in our bedroom because he couldn't watch TV anymore. Once we got the rooms done and the stairs we took off to do a little shopping, playing and eating out as a family.
Figuring out where to go to spend our time as a family was a little harder. We decided on Redmond as there's plenty of choices and Jared's parents always appreciate seeing their grandkids. We went to a park that I had never stopped at before and let Benjamin have a good time. Elizabeth slept through all of it thankfully!
Benjamin loves to swing! He's also gotten quite comfortable with going down slides now. But swings are his favorite. Once he laid eyes on the swing pretty much everything else was forgotten. He could swing for hours and so can his mommy.
After the park we went to see their grandparents and enjoyed a nice visit with them. We eventually left and picked up Taco Time on the way home. Both kids slept the whole way home basically which was nice. I snoozed a little bit too...I tend to do that these days. When we got home I realized the table was still covered and the floor was too clean to eat on with Benjamin soo....I ran downstairs and grabbed a blanket for an indoor picnic. It worked out well and was fun. Benjamin used the blanket as his napkin so it was perfect. After our picnic was done I took care of the kids while Jared set up our room and put the living room back together.
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