We had fun finding a place to park and getting into the stall. We just enjoyed walking around and looking at stuff and letting Olga experience the place. Lots of street musicians, crafts, food, beautiful flowers. Olga bought a bracelet and I got a bouquet of flowers and mom bought some amazing cherries.
Below is some pictures of our adventure.
This guy had 2 large hula hoops and played one guitar while balancing another one. 
Cathy and Mom walking down the hill to Pike Place Market.
I really love this picture. The fruit looks amazing and I love their signs.
I tried to get a picture of Olga, Mom and Cathy with the Pike Place sign but there were too many people to get them in it too.
Mom, Olga and Cathy having a resting moment and laughing together.
I loved the lights and thought this was a cool shot.
Olga with a horse.
I do exist!
Mom is holding my bouquet of flowers I bought. I took a ton of pictures of her while she looked out over the ocean. We both have a special place in our heart for the ocean.
Cathy and Olga sitting down looking around while mom and I looked at the Ocean.
That was such a fun day!!!