Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thankful...for fall days

I am thankful for...beautiful fall days like today. It was gorgeous! The sun was shinning calling for Benjamin and I to go for a walk. I love the color of the leaves everywhere. It's such a beautiful painting every day.
I know these days will become few and far between so I am trying my best to enjoy them to their fullest. I bundled Benjamin up for our walk but really didn't need to. The air was so warm! It was in the high 60's low 70's. I felt great and rejuvenated. Benjamin I think got a kick out of the leaves swirling everywhere. The wind was a wonderful warm constant breeze. It was very pushy at times.

Benjamin was having a blast starring at the house while I took his picture.

Benjamin makes the most interesting and inquisitive faces. I got asked yesterday if he was 9 months old and I said no, he is only 5 months now.

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