A week has already gone by since Miss Elizabeth has come into our lives. I wanted to take a few moments to capture things so I don't forget them. I am always so far behind in scrapbooking so this is my best way to remember things besides what I write in my journal (even though my husband thinks all I write in there is grumblings about him).
Elizabeth not even quite a day old yet. (06/16/2012) |
Back time at home. Benjamin was starting to get a little curious about Elizabeth. (06/16/2012) |
It's funny how you change something just a little bit and all of a sudden it's like a new toy to play with. (06/17/2012) |
Ellie Mae taking a nap in her chair. (06/17/2012) |
Again old toys become new when you haven't played with them in a long time. Benjamin is a pro at the toy now. (06/17/2012) |
Elizabeth takes really good naps in her chair and she is portable this way. By the way there is a warning on this seat to not use it as a carseat (parents of the year would do that). (06/18/2012) |
Benjamin's Great Grandma Lutz sent him some birthday money. While I was at a Dr's appt with Elizabeth Benjamin and Daddy went and did a little shopping. Benjamin got to pick out a 10 pack of Hot Wheel cars. Again he segregates the one's he likes and doesn't like. (06/18/2012) |
Me and my little family. It is hard to get Benjamin to hold still long enough. (06/18/2012) |
A moment with her Daddy. (06/19/2012) |
I just love this! It's proof that Daddy can hold her and she won't always cry. (06/19/2012) |
A picture of my family. Daddy cuddling with Elizabeth and Benjamin jumping back and forth from the stool to the couch. (06/19/2012) |
Thank you to my husband for catching a sweet moment with my little girl. (06/19/2012) |
She's awake and lively looking in her chair. This was during family and personal scripture study time. (06/20/2012) |
Here is Benjamin on the move between different objects. (06/20/2012) |
Elizabeth fell asleep on me and Benjamin needed to cuddle. Mommy's lap is always big enough! (06/20/2012) |
Elizabeth's first bath at home. Benjamin got to share in the moment too and thought it was pretty cool. (06/21/2012) |
All dressed up and no where to go. (06/21/2012) |
Daddy captured a moment of Benjamin and Elizabeth together on the bed watching TV. (06/21/2012) |
Mommy also caught a moment with Elizabeth and Benjamin together. Their feet were touching. Benjamin was happily watching Phineas and Ferb. He loves that show! Elizabeth fell asleep on her own without being held. (06/21/2012) |
I asked Jared to come out and take pictures of Benjamin and I blowing bubbles together. He was too slow and by the time he came out we were on to watering the garden. Benjamin kept standing under the water and trying to get wet. He was soaked by the time we were done. (06/21/2012) |
I was busy making some dinner and getting other things taken care of (cutting up strawberries and slicing up carrots to freeze). I turned around and found Benjamin with a ladle from the drawer and dipping into the whipping cream. I laughed so hard and ran to get the camera. I could not pass up this oppourtunity. (06/22/2012) |
Benjamin thourougly enjoyed himself. Getting his face into the ladle was a little bit of a challenge. Mommy helped after awhile. (06/22/2012)
There's just a little insight into the happenings of our family this past week. I still can't believe a week has already flown by. I only get 8 weeks off of work and I am trying not to let things slip by too quickly. |
you have a beutiful family my friend from jeanette long time friend :-)