I'm a cleaning machine! Well at least I am trying to be. Jared and I made so much progress between Christmas and the New Year and I want to get it finished. I worked in the downstairs laundry room/bathroom on Saturday for like 3-4 hours.
I scrubbed down the walls, the base boards, toilet, sink, washer machine and dryer. That place was so beautiful! No more spots on the walls no more gunk around the washer machine lid. It was all made possible by my Scunci! Do you know what a Scunci is? It's a steam cleaner that I bought years ago and haven't used since I moved into my house. I was a sucker for an info-mercial. Jared made fun of me.
Next up is the family room which I did some work out here but haven't quite finished. After that my craft room again...just need to put stuff away again. And after that it's on to the future Nursery. Now that we know "for sure" it's a boy I am going to empty and clean that room top to bottom and then paint it and bring in furniture as I get it.

I am really excited to one have a clean house and I am doing my darnedest to keep it clean and two to work on the nursery!!!
So I either just got a cleaning bug, tired of filth or I am nesting. But in my opinion I've been nesting for the past like year.
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